Saturday, November 3, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
I Just Had to Share this with You
As some of you may know I have moved from being an Idaho girl to becoming a Utah wife and yesterday when I checked Facebook, I saw a few posts from a few of the lady's that were in my ward from back in Idaho. I guess in Relief Society they had their President's Message/Lesson on the power of thoughts and the teacher, a good friend to my family shared this video with the sisters. Even though it was used for a Relief Society lesson, I think it would and could be easily used for Young Women's. I hope you find this as inspiring as I did!
Wouldn't this make for a great challenge or mutual activity or even Personal Progress. I just love it!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Binder Cover {Class Set} for 2013 Theme
Here is another set of binder covers that I am pleased to introduce to you. It is a set which include a cover for a presidency (including the secretary) as well as an extra one that doesn't have a president member name on it (essentially blank). Hope you enjoy it!
Click HERE to download set (5) or right click on image that you want and save as.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The First of Many
Here is the first binder cover that I have created to go with next years mutual theme.
Click HERE to download file or right click and save as for jpeg
In Case You Didn't See This
This was a video taken from the Bountiful Day Parade in Bountiful Utah...for those that haven't seen the video you need to.
2013 Mutual Theme Has Been Announced
I am excited to know that the new theme has been announced and that it comes from the scripture found in D&C 87:8 "Stand Ye in Holy Places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold it cometh quickly, saith the Lord."
You can find more about the theme HERE
So to help get the ideas going here is a bookmark that I created for the theme. Picture comes from the site of announcement. More to come!
Click HERE to download PDF of 3 or right click and save on image for jpeg.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I am regretting to inform you that for a second....or third time my laptop (which has all of my designing stuff on it) is on the verge of finding itself on a one way flight out the window. Can you tell I am frustrated with it yet?
It is having issues yet again and I haven't been able to identify it nor has my tech guy and I am a little poor right now to buy another one...hey I am a full time college student who is not working because then I would never sleep. So it might be a while before I can post a handout... I will try to not let that happen. I think this is karma coming back to bite me for all the feelings I had previously mentioned.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Lesson 6: Finding Joy Now
Here is the handout for lesson 6. Simple yet yellow for happy. You could attach this as a tag on anything yellow or happy.
Click HERE for download pdf 4 to a page
Lesson 5:Finding Joy in Our Divine Potential
Here is lesson 5's handout. It is the letter from the General YW Presidency that is included in the lesson manual.
Click HERE to download 8x11.5 pdf
Here are two videos that are suggested for the lesson...they are wonderful. The first one is from President Uctdorf and the other is a video for YW to discover their divine potential
Lesson 4: Seeking the Companionship of the Holy Ghost
Yes, I have finally gotten back to creating handouts. A little late perhaps...OK a lot late but I know that some of you don't always go in the order that the manual goes in. So hoping that this is going to be helpful to someone.
Click HERE to download a pdf set of 2
This is a great video from our church leaders on the Holy Ghost. Click HERE to be taken to the Mormon Messages page at to get more information or to share this video with others.
Friday, February 24, 2012
New Beginnings Idea Part 1
I know that I have been promising this for a long time now but I have done some soul searching and after looking on line for some ideas and after attending my own ward's new beginnings I think I have a great idea that could be used (If only I could put it in action and get pictures!).
A good source of inspiration came from this blog and idea. I loved it and think it would be great of one of those themes that could run through the entire year from new beginnings to evening in excellence.
I love this idea here:

Instructions on how to make found HERE
I think it would be fun to make a few smaller ones like the one pictured above and have placed on either side of a bigger on in the middle. The middle one being that of the YW logo...which of course is the torch. I think it would be AWESOME to have the lights outline the logo and with lights dimmed it would amazing and really show the torch which is a reminder to arise and shine and bring others to Christ.
Couldn't you just see the torch outlined in lights??
For decorations I think it would be fun to have tables that are draped in table clothes (white) with lights underneath them to shine through. This is what my ward did and then they had the battery operated tea lights wrapped up cutely in the cellophane of the different value colors. However I think if you could find lights in the value colors stick them through the canvas or find a way to tint them so they were the right colors and have them surround the torch (four on each side?)
Perhaps when they walk in you can have Katy Perry's "Firework" playing softly in the back ground. You can read the lyrics HERE. I mention this song because I really loved the idea (taken from same blog as from above)when I read it and being able to connect the lyrics to something uplifting- a positive message...which is something that music today I think lacks. Here is what Sisters in Zion made in connection with the song:
There's a spark in you (Moroni 7:16 - spirit of Christ given to all)
You just gotta ignite the light (testimony)
And let it shine (Matthew 5:16 - let your light so shine before men)
Just own the night, like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth (individual worth)
Come on let your colors burst (value colors)
(For a YWIE could put together a slide show of things they YW have done that has made them shine forth with this song playing in the background of the slide show??)
The Invite
The Invite
The above picture is a invite idea that I created for the event...I don't have a file to share but I can easily customize it for you if you shoot me an email (see right sidebar) and personalize it as well. Or if you want I can leave it blank except for the SHINE part. Let me know....also idea came from Sisters in Zions idea...what can I say...its AWESOME!
Program to be continued....
Thursday, February 23, 2012
A Late PPW

So I thought I would let you all know (and yes in pure me fashion I am a day late) but last night was our ward's New Beginnings and I was invited to come because I was being awarded my YW Medallion that I had earned. I was really stoked to still be able to receive it even though I was released. I will update you on that in a bit (I got an essay to get out of the way for school first).
Hopefully you all are still working hard towards you personal progress goals. If I can do it I know that you can really do it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I Am Back!! not back in the sense that I have been recalled to the young women's organization but I am back and ready to get my ideas posted for all of you lovely leaders who are or have been missing my ideas.
I am going to be completely honest with you on my absence from the blogging scene. Yes, it is true that I have been EXTREMELY busy with school work and my new Sunday School calling oh and my laptop was having some serious charging issues (but after 3 LONG FRUSTRATING hours...I finally got it fixed...even though I had to take it completely apart). These,even though they are valid excuses, were really just a front to what I had been feeling inside.
You see I had loved being in the YW's...first as an assistant camp director and then two years as Camp Director and then a little over a years worth of being the 2nd Counselor in the presidency. I had felt that it wasn't my time to released (and still to this day I still question that choice) and I did hold some bitterness. I guess keeping this particular blog up to date was a little hard and a constant reminder of what I was doing. However, I have swallowed my get over it pill, pulled up my big girl undergarments and have just learned that being able to maintain this blog and help those of you who are in need of assistance or ideas.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding...but I am back and I am going to do my best to stay up with you guys!
So for my first post back, I thought I would share this story with you that I got in my email this morning from LDS Living.

(Picture taken from article site listed below in the link-1965 Cover)
"For the Strength of Youth" Over the Years
It is an interesting short read on how this wonderful pamphlet/book came about and the different changes that it has over gone over the years. I thought that since they book has been updated and some minor changes have been made to it. This would make for some type of mutual activity or game to introduce the new book!
Click HERE to be taken to the article.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Deep Beauty
Such a wonderful reminder and message. I loved it the moment I started watching so I wanted to share it with you all. Sister Dalton gives an amazing talk that inspired the video. Click HERE to read the talk (there is a link provided) or to share/learn more.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
A New Blog!!
So I am letting you all in on my crazy new adventure as a Sunday school teacher! So of course I had to create a new blog to post ideas and musings on as there is little out there for this calling. So if you ever get bored and want to check on how I am doing click HERE.
Oh yeah don't forget I am still going to be updating this blog as well!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Manual 1 Lesson 3
Manual 1 Lesson 2
Here is the handout for lesson #2 from the YW Man. 1 titled Jesus Christ, the Savior. Click HERE for download pdf file of 4 or right click and save image.
{PPW} 1/11

Well my dear sisters, i have some bad news. I had been asked to meet with one of the bishops counselors tonight (i guess that should technically read as last night) and was told i was going to be released on Sunday. I knew a change was going to happen but with our first counselor moving up with a stake calling, it was thought that i would be replacing never crossed my mind, especially after a really inspiring temple session, that i would he released. I am still struggling with it the decision as i still feel in my heart that i still have work to do among my young women. However, i can't exactly argue that with anyone who is in charge.
When i posted the news on Facebook, i received emails and comments from some of you wanting me to continue my work via this blog. I am happy to say the because of all your kind and uplifting words i will be continuing to update and post on here. As hinted to earlier, i went to the temple to help me with my calling and received a great deal of inspiration which i am sad to say won't be able to see put in use for my young women to enjoy. So I shall live those visions out through you!
Thank you for all your support and all that you do for me. I am so glad to hear that for some of you my little out reach of creativity is able to help you in your calling. I can't tell you enough what that means to me. You are all amazing ladies and i consider you my friends. May you continue to be blessed and inspired as you serve in this organization. It truly is one of the best places to serve in. I have learned so much from just the short time i was in there. I will truly miss it. Thanks again for your love and support, and always remember that we are daughters of our heavenly father who loves us and we love him! Keep in touch!!!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
{PPW} 1/4

Monday, January 2, 2012
PPI- Check lists are here!
Finally got on the ball and created a Personal Progress Interview check list sheet for all of those, I mean me, who might need a little help in making sure that the interview isn't just a gab session. I have it both in a PDF and Word Doc so which ever you prefer to download you will have a copy of it.
Click HERE for PDF
Click HERE for Word Doc
Preparing for Young Women's
As some of you know I am the 2nd counselor in the YW presidency and today i got a call from one of the achievement day leaders to come in and talk to the girls, particularly those who will be turning 12 this year, and discuss with them the purpose and importance of the program. Kinda nervous as i have never done this before but excited will be posting about it tomorrow.
*Update* well both girls were not there that would be turning 12...kind of sad but excited at the saw time cause i thought of an idea to make while talking about it.
*Update* well both girls were not there that would be turning 12...kind of sad but excited at the saw time cause i thought of an idea to make while talking about it.
Accept and Act: PP value exp. to go with lessons
Have you checked our the resource guide yet? It is pretty awesome if I do say so myself, it includes a ton of talks and media that fit perfectly with the lessons. Click HERE to be taken to it. Once there, just click on the second link to get just the guide or the first to get both the manual and guide.
Click HERE to download the pdf file of the personal progress values that go with the lesson list-3 pages.
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