OK...so not back in the sense that I have been recalled to the young women's organization but I am back and ready to get my ideas posted for all of you lovely leaders who are or have been missing my ideas.
I am going to be completely honest with you on my absence from the blogging scene. Yes, it is true that I have been EXTREMELY busy with school work and my new Sunday School calling oh and my laptop was having some serious charging issues (but after 3 LONG FRUSTRATING hours...I finally got it fixed...even though I had to take it completely apart). These,even though they are valid excuses, were really just a front to what I had been feeling inside.
You see I had loved being in the YW's...first as an assistant camp director and then two years as Camp Director and then a little over a years worth of being the 2nd Counselor in the presidency. I had felt that it wasn't my time to released (and still to this day I still question that choice) and I did hold some bitterness. I guess keeping this particular blog up to date was a little hard and a constant reminder of what I was doing. However, I have swallowed my get over it pill, pulled up my big girl undergarments and have just learned that being able to maintain this blog and help those of you who are in need of assistance or ideas.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding...but I am back and I am going to do my best to stay up with you guys!
So for my first post back, I thought I would share this story with you that I got in my email this morning from LDS Living.

(Picture taken from article site listed below in the link-1965 Cover)
"For the Strength of Youth" Over the Years
It is an interesting short read on how this wonderful pamphlet/book came about and the different changes that it has over gone over the years. I thought that since they book has been updated and some minor changes have been made to it. This would make for some type of mutual activity or game to introduce the new book!
Click HERE to be taken to the article.
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