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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Of Those Days....

Did you ever have one of those days (OK weeks) when you are trying to put together a lesson that you have to teach THIS coming Sunday? This is where I am...I have to teach the lesson on Dating Decisions...I have been preparing for weeks and have been praying for inspiration but alas I have felt blank. We have only a few girls who are of the age to date and the rest of them are just newly Mia Maids or Beehives (we are a small group so we all meet together). So I am trying to figure out how to bridge that cap so that it is beneficial for everyone who is there. *Sigh* 

Any ideas from those of you that have already taught this lesson? 

*UPDATE* I have finally come up with a handout idea...will be posting it tonight (as soon as I get it created...i have it drawn up just not ready). I am also going to give my girls a handout that I was given when I was in YW's so I don't have a copy of it to share but I will type of the signs that are on it (its a road map) and create a pdf of it as well....Oh and I have also decided to include the article from the additional resource manual of the talk in the Liahona titled "Advice on Dating for Young Women" bu the YW General Presidency...

So I am off to a good start but still am drawing a blank as to my outline...*sigh*

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