Sunday, May 29, 2011
Here is my list of to do....
SNIPE!! Bingo Cards for Girls Camp
Due to some issues that some of you were having with the downloading of these files... here is a link to my google drive where i have made it available to download. It is one file but has both the call out cards and 24 game boards (which are all different) Click HERE for link.
Scripture Power!

Friday, May 27, 2011
My Semi-done Started Crochet Headbands....
So I told you I was going to change the color of the flowers from black/grey to pink...well here is what my newly finished (after the blog the was posted) double flower headband looks like
Trick or Treat....
Frayed Rosette Hair Clip
Be A Positive Influence...Lesson #20
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Pre-Camp Treat Idea???
So in my browsing of different blogs that I follow (I have been searching blogs like crazy for craft ideas for girls camp this year) I cam across this AWESOME idea.
You have a heritage...honor it! Lesson # 19
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Epic Failure...
As this post title suggests, I HAVE EXPERIENCED AN EPIC FAILURE to my readers. The previous post stated I would get the new stuff up last weekend. As you can tell, that didn't happen. Life got chaotic and I got busy with things pertaining to my calling as both the 2nd counselor in our YW presidency and camp director...we have had some issues and changes so my time went to working and accepting on those trials.
However, I have an open day tomorrow so I WILL GET NEW STUFF POSTED!!!! You guys need to get on me when I begin to slack off. So look for new things tomorrow and and as always contact me if you want to see anything in particular or requests. Also check out our Facebook page and like it if you haven't done so already...i will be opening a place where you can post questions or ideas or any SOS's that you might need help with.
Thanks again for your support!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
New handouts are on their way!!
I just wanted to let you know that I am in the process of getting the next few lessons designed and hoping to get posted by the.weekend. I am also looking at putting some handouts together from conference and the general young women.
Also if you have any ideas of handouts or anything else you would like to see email me, comment me, or Facebook me all which you can find on the side bar.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Stake Leadership YW Training
Email if you would like information on how to make this purse. I will be honest I don't have the actual pattern but I can send you some information on where to find it or provide you with a pdf that is is similiar to this purse @
*UPDATE* Click HERE to be taken to another cute idea on how to do this!
*UPDATE 10/24* Click HERE to be taken to the website to see a great video of this story!