Such a wonderful reminder and message. I loved it the moment I started watching so I wanted to share it with you all. Sister Dalton gives an amazing talk that inspired the video. Click HERE to read the talk (there is a link provided) or to share/learn more.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
A New Blog!!
So I am letting you all in on my crazy new adventure as a Sunday school teacher! So of course I had to create a new blog to post ideas and musings on as there is little out there for this calling. So if you ever get bored and want to check on how I am doing click HERE.
Oh yeah don't forget I am still going to be updating this blog as well!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Manual 1 Lesson 3
Manual 1 Lesson 2
Here is the handout for lesson #2 from the YW Man. 1 titled Jesus Christ, the Savior. Click HERE for download pdf file of 4 or right click and save image.
{PPW} 1/11

Well my dear sisters, i have some bad news. I had been asked to meet with one of the bishops counselors tonight (i guess that should technically read as last night) and was told i was going to be released on Sunday. I knew a change was going to happen but with our first counselor moving up with a stake calling, it was thought that i would be replacing never crossed my mind, especially after a really inspiring temple session, that i would he released. I am still struggling with it the decision as i still feel in my heart that i still have work to do among my young women. However, i can't exactly argue that with anyone who is in charge.
When i posted the news on Facebook, i received emails and comments from some of you wanting me to continue my work via this blog. I am happy to say the because of all your kind and uplifting words i will be continuing to update and post on here. As hinted to earlier, i went to the temple to help me with my calling and received a great deal of inspiration which i am sad to say won't be able to see put in use for my young women to enjoy. So I shall live those visions out through you!
Thank you for all your support and all that you do for me. I am so glad to hear that for some of you my little out reach of creativity is able to help you in your calling. I can't tell you enough what that means to me. You are all amazing ladies and i consider you my friends. May you continue to be blessed and inspired as you serve in this organization. It truly is one of the best places to serve in. I have learned so much from just the short time i was in there. I will truly miss it. Thanks again for your love and support, and always remember that we are daughters of our heavenly father who loves us and we love him! Keep in touch!!!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
{PPW} 1/4

Monday, January 2, 2012
PPI- Check lists are here!
Finally got on the ball and created a Personal Progress Interview check list sheet for all of those, I mean me, who might need a little help in making sure that the interview isn't just a gab session. I have it both in a PDF and Word Doc so which ever you prefer to download you will have a copy of it.
Click HERE for PDF
Click HERE for Word Doc
Preparing for Young Women's
As some of you know I am the 2nd counselor in the YW presidency and today i got a call from one of the achievement day leaders to come in and talk to the girls, particularly those who will be turning 12 this year, and discuss with them the purpose and importance of the program. Kinda nervous as i have never done this before but excited will be posting about it tomorrow.
*Update* well both girls were not there that would be turning 12...kind of sad but excited at the saw time cause i thought of an idea to make while talking about it.
*Update* well both girls were not there that would be turning 12...kind of sad but excited at the saw time cause i thought of an idea to make while talking about it.
Accept and Act: PP value exp. to go with lessons
Have you checked our the resource guide yet? It is pretty awesome if I do say so myself, it includes a ton of talks and media that fit perfectly with the lessons. Click HERE to be taken to it. Once there, just click on the second link to get just the guide or the first to get both the manual and guide.
Click HERE to download the pdf file of the personal progress values that go with the lesson list-3 pages.
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